Jean-Nicolas PatoineLe SoleilLazaro Blanco venait de retirer les Stars dHollywood dans lordre quand les Capitales ont inscrit quatre points, en premi�re manche. �a se voyait : l�quipe itin�rante allait se faire �craser, � sa premi�re visite � Qu�bec.
Ne jamais se fier aux apparences. Daccord, les Capitales ont gagn� 6-5. Mais les Stars ont ch�rement vendu leur peau, aid�s par une solide performance de leur partant Troy Manneback -- la premi�re manche exclue -- et par 12 coups s�rs, dont trois circuits en solo. M�me sils navaient remport� quun seul de leurs six premiers matchs dans la Ligue Can-Am, les visiteurs ont donn� chaud aux 1726 spectateurs.
Et � Patrick Scalabrini. �Il faut leur rendre cr�dit. Mais on aurait aim� un match moins stressant, o� on naurait pas eu besoin dutiliser tous nos lanceurs. �a tisse des liens, des matchs comme �a, on va regarder le c�t� positif�, a affirm� le g�rant des Capitales.
Les premi�res sueurs froides sont arriv�es en septi�me lorsque Blanco (3-2) a �frapp� un mur�, accordant deux circuits en solo, ceux de Chris Kwitzer et de Tom McKenna. Les Capitales navaient que des z�ros au compteur depuis la premi�re, et, m�me si Blanco a retir� huit frappeurs sur des prises en 6,2 manches, c�tait soudainement 4-2.
James McOwen a permis aux locaux de respirer un peu en fin de septi�me, faisant marquer Kalian Sams � laide dun triple, puis venant inscrire le sixi�me point sur un ballon-sacrifice de Maxx Tissenbaum.
Mais les Stars ont r�pliqu� avec trois points contre Trevor Bayless en huiti�me, et c�tait 6-5! Ils ont m�me plac� un coureur au troisi�me-but, menace �teinte par un retrait au b�ton du releveur Sean Donatello.
Jay Johnson a permis le soupir de soulagement final en r�alisant son premier sauvetage de la saison, en neuvi�me.
TJ White (1) et Adam Ehrlich (2) avaient produit trois des quatre points de la premi�re manche, lautre �tant le r�sultat dun mauvais lancer de Manneback. Ehrlich sest dailleurs r�veill� au b�ton avec quatre des sept coups s�rs des Capitales, sa moyenne passant de ,180 � ,212.
Lazaro Blanco had just removed the Hollywood Stars in order when the Capitals scored four points in the first leg. It was obvious: the traveling team was going to be crushed on their first visit to Quebec City.
Never trust appearances. Okay, the Capitals won 6-5. But the Stars sold out hard, helped by a strong performance from Troy Manneback - the first run excluded - and by 12 hits, including three solo circuits. Although they had won only one of their first six games in the Can-Am League, the visitors gave the 1726 spectators a warm welcome.
And to Patrick Scalabrini. "We must give them credit. But we would have liked a less stressful match, where we would not have needed to use all our pitchers. It weaves links, matches like that, we will look at the positive side, "said the manager of Capitals.
The first cold sweats came in seventh when Blanco (3-2) "hit a wall", giving two solo circuits, those of Chris Kwitzer and Tom McKenna. The Capitals had all the zeros on the clock since the first, and although Blanco pulled out eight batters in 6.2 runs, it was suddenly 4-2.
James McOwen allowed the locals to breathe a bit late in the seventh, scoring Kalian Sams with a triple and scoring the sixth point on a Maxx Tissenbaum sacrifice ball.
But the Stars replied with three points against Trevor Bayless in the eighth, and it was 6-5! They even placed a runner in third-end, threat extinguished by a strike-out of reliever Sean Donatello.
Jay Johnson allowed the sigh of final relief by making his first save of the season, in ninth.
TJ White (1) and Adam Ehrlich (2) produced three of the four points in the first run, the other being the result of a bad Manneback throw. Ehrlich also woke up with four of the seven hits of the Capitals, his average passing from, 180 to, 212.
Quebec Capitales 6 Hollywood Stars 5
This game was played on 6/26/2018 at Stade Canac