Les Aigles ont offert une brillante performance, vendredi soir, face aux Stars de Hollywood. Tyler Garkow a �t� imp�rial sur le monticule et lattaque a fonctionn� � plein r�gime, pour permettre aux hommes de TJ Stanton de signer un gain facile de 10-0.
D�s le premier tour au b�ton, les Oiseaux ont montr� des dents face au partant Mike Wagner avec trois simples cons�cutifs, pour prendre les devants 1-0. Taylor Brennan a ensuite fait ce quil sait le mieux faire, en ne faisait quune seule bouch�e du tir de Wagner. Sa claque de trois points donnait ainsi une avance de 4-0 aux siens.
Avec un coussin de quatre points, Tyler Garkow sest amus� face aux frappeurs des Stars. La recrue a donn� huit manches de travail � TJ Stanton, au cours desquelles il a blanchi ses adversaires, en plus de passer neuf frappeurs dans la mitaine. Garkow affiche maintenant un dossier de trois victoires contre en seul revers, ainsi quune moyenne de points m�rit�s � 3,25.
Au total, le r�le offensif de Trois-Rivi�res a obtenu un total de 13 coups s�rs, dont 9 sont provenus des quatre premiers frappeurs.
Les deux �quipes se retrouveront samedi, 13h05, pour le deuxi�me match de la s�rie. Lancienne vedette des Expos, Vladimir Guerrero, sera pr�sente lors de la partie. Chris Murphy sera doffice du c�t� des Aigles pour ce duel .
The Eagles gave a brilliant performance Friday night against the Hollywood Stars. Tyler Garkow was imperial on the mound and the attack ran at full speed, allowing TJ Stantons men to sign an easy 10-0 win.
In the first round at the bat, the Birds showed teeth to starter Mike Wagner with three consecutive singles, to take the lead 1-0. Taylor Brennan then did what he knows best, making only one mouthful of Wagners shot. His slap three points and gave a lead of 4-0 to his.
With a cushion of four points, Tyler Garkow had fun against the batters of the Stars. The rookie gave TJ Stanton eight rounds of work, during which he cleared his opponents, and nine batters in the mitt. Garkow now has a record of three wins against a single setback and a 3.25 ERA.
In total, the offensive role of Trois-Rivi�res was 13 shots in all, 9 of which came from the first four batters.
The two teams will meet on Saturday, 1:05 pm, for the second game of the series. Former Expos star Vladimir Guerrero will be present at the game. Chris Murphy will be ex officio on the Eagles side for this duel.
Trois-Rivieres Aigles 10 Hollywood Stars 0
This game was played on 6/22/2018 at Stade St�r�o Plus