Les Capitales ont obtenu plus dopposition quils ne sen attendaient vendredi soir au Stade Canac. Qu�bec a tout de m�me trouv� une br�che dans la palissade en d�faisant le Stockade de Salina au compte de 2-1 sur deux longues balles!
Salina affichait un diff�rentiel de points de -31 en 6 parties � son arriv�e � Qu�bec, mais le Stockade ne sest pas pr�sent� au Parc Victoria en touriste.
Les deux partants, Jordan Cummings (0-2, 8 RAB) et Karl G�linas (4-2, 4 RAB) ont tenu le fort de brillante fa�on durant 8 manches. Chez les Capitales, G�linas a laiss� sa place � Donatello pour son 5e sauvetage de la saison.
�Il a tr�s bien lanc�, mais on a eu beaucoup de mauvaises apparitions au b�ton, a racont� Patrick Scalabrini au sujet du partant adverse. Je ne crois pas que les gars laient pris � la l�g�re, mais �a a prenait encore une fois une performance quasi impeccable de notre partant.�
Avec les deux �quipes � �galit� durant plus de 5 manches dans le match, cest finalement Brad Antchak qui a scell� le d�bat avec son 2e circuit chez les professionnels en fin de 7e manche. Il imitait Manduley qui avait ouvert la marque de fa�on identique en 4e.
Malgr� la victoire des locaux, les visiteurs accumulaient les coups s�rs au tableau. Les 3 frappes des Capitales contre 7 pour Salina auront toutefois suffi pour assurer une 17e victoire en 27 parties � la formation qu�b�coise.
�Chacun de ces gars-l� veut se trouver un job quelque part. Ils sont venus, car ils veulent se donner une chance. Cest bon pour la ligue et notre s�rie davoir des matchs serr�s�, a laiss� tomber le g�rant tout en lan�ant quelque remontrances � son offensive. �Jesp�re que nos frappeurs iront se coucher en repensant � leur approche.�
Notes de match
Il sagit du match le plus rapide de la saison au Stade Canac. Les 9 manches ont �t� jou�es en 1h55, assez rapidement pour que les feux dartifice d�butent avant le coucher complet du soleil!
Le receveur des Alouettes de Charlesbourg dans la LBJEQ, Rapha�l Ross, a �t� embauch� par le Stockade pour la s�rie � Qu�bec. Ross a souvent offici� � titre de receveur de lenclos des Capitales depuis quelques ann�es. Il en est toutefois � sa 1re exp�rience dans un alignement professionnel.
Le Stockade et les Capitales saffrontent � nouveau samedi d�s 18h pour la soir�e des hot-dogs � 1$! Daniel Diaz (0-1, 4.50) et Arik Sikula (3-2, 2.56) monteront sur la butte.
The Capitals got more opposition than they expected Friday night at the Canac Stadium. Quebec still found a breach in the palisade by defeating the Stockade Salina to the account of 2-1 on two long balls!
Salina posted a point differential of -31 in 6 games when she arrived in Quebec, but the Stockade did not show up at Victoria Park as a tourist.
The two starters, Jordan Cummings (0-2, 8 RAB) and Karl G�linas (4-2, 4 RAB) held the fort in brilliant fashion for 8 innings. In the Capitals, G�linas gave his place to Donatello for his fifth rescue of the season.
"He started very well, but we had a lot of bad batting appearances," said Patrick Scalabrini about the opposing runner. I do not think the guys took it lightly, but it was once again an almost impeccable performance of our starter. "
With the two teams tied for more than 5 innings in the match, it was finally Brad Antchak who sealed the debate with his second circuit at the professionals at the end of the 7th inning. He imitated Manduley who had opened the brand identically in the fourth.
Despite the victory of the locals, visitors accumulated hits on the board. The 3 strikes of the Capitals against 7 for Salina will however have been enough to ensure a 17th victory in 27 games for the Quebec team.
"Each of these guys wants to find a job somewhere. They came because they want to give themselves a chance. Its good for the league and our series to have tight games, "said the manager while throwing some remonstrances to his offensive. "I hope our rappers go to bed thinking about their approach."
Match Notes
This is the fastest match of the season at Stade Canac. The 9 rounds were played in 1:55, fast enough so that the fireworks begin before the full sunset!
The Alouettes catcher of Charlesbourg in the LBJEQ, Rapha�l Ross, was hired by the Stockade for the series in Quebec City. Ross has often been a recipient of the Capitals Enclosure for a few years. However, he is in his first experience in professional alignment.
The Stockade and the Capitals are fighting again Saturday at 18h for the evening of hot dogs at $ 1! Daniel
Quebec Capitales 2 Salina Stockade 1
This game was played on 6/15/2018 at Staude Quebec