6/22/2011-The White Sands Pupfish and the Pecos League would like to release the following statement regarding the incident between the Pupfish and a local Alamogordo Softball Team on
6/13/2011. According to Alamogordo police report
the softball team challanged the Pupfish to a fight in the parking lot and he also
challanged the Pupfish to a $1,000 softball game in a loser leaves town match. A fight broke out inside the bar area and was taken outside in the parking lot. Several of the Softball players were injured, no Pupfish players were injured.
The Pupfish and the softball team were running into each other at Applebee's which is one of the only restaurants open after hours.
Pecos League Commisioner Andrew Dunn met with Applebee's manager Traci Cullers on 6/20/2011 to confirm the team was no longer welcome.
Traci Cullers said "The Pupfish and the softball team are welcome at Applebee's. We do not block them or prevent them from coming back."
Pecos League Commisioner Andrew Dunn says "We cannot have incidents like this happening.
I have investigated the incident and met with Traci.
At first we were going to ban the Pupfish from going to Applebee's but with cooperation of
Traci and other restaurants in Alamogordo open after 10PM, we will allow players to re-enter Applebee's."
We ask the citizens of Alamogordo to read the police report before making any judgements about the team.