1/23/2013-The Pecos League is pleased to announce ist first round of full time umpires. David Crawford and Edward Padilla will be full time Northern Division umpires. Both are from Santa Fe and are full time teachers. Crawford teaches at DeVargas Middle School in Santa Fe. Padilla teaches at Pinon Elementary in Santa Fe. Crawford and Padilla were rovers in the 2012 and worked 20 games. They were the leagues best umpires by far.

Bill Moore from the Santa Fe Fuego: "They were best umpires in the league. They are as good anybody in Arizona. They will do good work for the whole league. These guys pay attention and listen. This is a great upgrade for the league. Everyone that had them in Santa Fe said, 'Where have these guys been all year?'"

Steve Liddell and Jim Sayer of Las Cruces will be Southern Rovers and will work Alamogordo home games and Deming games if the Pecos League plays a regular season series in Deming. Liddell and Sayer have been well known as the best umpires in the Pecos League and the 2010 Continental League.

The Pecos League will hire two more full time crews and retain Steve Liddell's Las Cruces crew as Southern Rovers for Alamogordo/Roswell.
With the Pecos League not deciding to return to Las Cruces and wanting to keep Liddell's crew, the Pecos League will go with a Northern Rover crew when White Sands is on the road. The Northern rovers will consist of Santa Fe umpires Danny Lujan, Matt Martinez, Richard Salazar and Eric Lujan.)