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Pitchers Score
Alex Valasek 133
Brendan Bear 131
Jayden Metz 127
Brayde Hirai 107
Humberto Vel 102
Jake Norris 87
Earl Johnson 81
Christian Ze 80.1
Francisco Le 76.1
Jacob Strobe 73
Joe Riddle 72.1
Antonio Stra 71.1
Greg Salazar 71
Brendan Bear 70.1
Alex Valasek 102
Brendan Bear 85
Earl Johnson 84
Jake Norris 84
Owen Cuffe 78
Drew Henders 68
Antonio Stra 66
Martinez Sturgeon San Rafael Pacifics Santa Cruz Seaweed Monterey Amberjacks Bakersfield Train Robbers Marysville Drakes Dublin Leprechauns Santa Fe Fuego Tucson Saguaros Alpine Cowboys Trinidad Triggers Roswell Invaders Garden City Wind Austin Weirdos Blackwell FlyCatchers Marysville Drakes Vallejo Seaweed Pecos Bills Pecos League
select link, image from pecos_sponsors where starttime<='2/4/2025' and endtime>='2/4/2025' and team in (select pecosleague_team_id from pecosleague_team where active=1) and active=1 order by title ...

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Albert Park-- Sam Lynn Ballpark-- Clint Lightner-- Joe Bauman-- Kokernot Field-- Warren Ballpark-- Satchel Paige Stadium--